If you have ever felt like you’re capable of more, but not sure how to get from here to there – then you are in the right place. You don’t have to continue feeling stuck, frustrated or overwhelmed. And you don’t have to choose between success in your career and success in your personal life.
Let me show you how you can be the best version of YOU by embracing your uniqueness and shining the light as bright as you can.
In Power Goals Academy we help you find and achieve your life-changing goals, taking control of your own life, so you can live a passionate life and become the best version of yourself.
You’ll gain valuable clarity around these fundamental questions:
Applying Power Goals is about life-transformation and living your full potential. It’s time for you to experience the magic of living an amazing life.
When you see what “Power Goals” are all about, you’ll understand why they could finally be the answer to most (maybe even ALL) of the challenges you face. Let me explain how it works…
Read MoreHi, I’m Christina Skytt – and in just a moment, I’m going to explain how you can start working on becoming the best version of yourself, using your full potential, faster than you once thought possible.
First, however, let me tell you just a little about my own career, so you can understand what qualifies me to make such claims. I’m a two times international bestselling author, the founder of Power Goals Academy and over the past 15 years I’ve been coaching hundreds of top executives on how to effectively achieve their big, life-changing goals.
I help people like you dream big and turn the dream into reality with a proven step-by-step process. The system works for everyone, from ALL walks of life, ALL occupations, and ALL ages. Basically, anyone who is frustrated with their attempts at achieving higher goals, and living to their true potential – whether in business, romance, finances, or any other area of Life.
You are meant to live an amazing life and you too can attain unimagined levels of success. I believe every person can become the best version of themselves!
Welcome to Power Goals Academy.
Gratitude is the most powerful process for shifting your energy and bringing more of what you want into your life. Gratitude is the single most important ingredient to living a successful life. Being grateful is a
June 8, 2017 Read MoreAre you working towards somebody else’s goals? Is this the life you have chosen, or has it been chosen for you? Take one minute today to give yourself the gift of listening to your own voice, and make yourself a
June 8, 2017 Read MoreIf someone gives you a complement, do you receive it gracefully? Take one minute today and allow yourself to open your receiving channels. Open yourself to the positive reinforcement and unexpected gifts that come
June 8, 2017 Read MoreMy daughter Alexandra has been involved in the youth movement to save the rhinos, through the initiative of Kingsley Holgate and Grant Folwds. I feel such gratitude for her being part of something bigger than herself
June 8, 2017 Read MoreThe Official Hollywood Reel from the Awards ceremony As Earl Nightingale said, “success is the progressive realization of a worthwhile goal” – in other words, success lies in the JOURNEY – the ACHIEVEMENT of
June 8, 2017 Read MoreDid you know, the quality of your life depends on the quality of the conversations you have? Allow yourself one minute to view this inspirational video about the power of your words. Remember, your voice is very
June 8, 2017 Read MoreIn order to live a truly fulfilling life you have to be brave. You will have to move out of your comfort zone. If you are really comfortable with everything you are doing you are going sideways – you are not
June 8, 2017 Read MoreA Power Goal will nail what you really want, and by defining your Power Goal and setting these goals you will most likely get to your destination. The Power Goals process I developed is a formula that not only helps
June 8, 2017 Read MoreIn my book “Power Goals” I always recommend a daily review of your goals. Write your Power Goals every day…handwriting your goals makes them more real to you. This action helps you to imprint it into your mind
June 8, 2017 Read MoreI want to congratulate you for making the wise decision of getting involved in Christina’s program. She is an experienced leader and a great career and personal development coach. Pay close attention to the clear, easy to understand nine-step process she has outlined for you to follow. One committed decision will turn Power Goals into the vehicle that can totally transform your life. Happiness, health and prosperity will flow to you with constant regularity by following the Power Goals setting and achieving instructions you are about to be introduced to.
“I have set goals for myself for many, many years so I know how powerful they are. May this program set you on your own powerful path to getting in the driver’s seat of your own life and your own power to live the life of yor dreams.”
”Power Goals Academy is the most complete guide to goal achievement available today! Christina has capsulated decades of knowledge and experience and she is sharing it with you in a structured and easily comprehensive process. Study every word of this and watch your life transform in a positive way.”
“Christina, you are an amazing woman: you model, mentor and motivate; you show respect, you make people reflect and encourage them to take up responsibility; you communicate, collaborate and co-operate, you educate the head, the heart and the hands (knowing, emoting, willing); you develop people’s self-esteem, self-awareness and self confidence and you encourage them through your ‘one minute inspiration’ to have patience, perseverance and a positive attitude. Congratulations!”
“What makes me happy and what do I really want to achieve? The most important and difficult questions! The Power Goals process was for me a practical and easy way to get focus on what I really want. After this, achieving the goals were empowering and fun. It’s lovely to work with Christina, who genuinely wants to help people to free their potential and achieve their goals. Christina is also very credible, since she “Walks the talk” She has done it herself! I highly recommend anyone who wants to achieve life-changing goals to take a leap of faith and work with her.”
“If you’ve been struggling with your business or personal goals, I highly recommend Power Goals!”. Setting goals is a skill that is teachable, and Christina Skytt does a beautiful job of taking us through the process from start to finish.”
“One of the things I struggle with is using goals to see success. Power Goals Academy is very clear on how to incorporate goals and especially power goals into my business. Great program with good examples of others’ success.”
“Christina has definitely cracked the code in showing people how to get it done in a simple way. Make sure to get started with Power Goals Academy ASAP!”
“Christina has rocked it hard with Power Goals. There’s so much confusion out there about goal-setting. Her program clears it all up nicely. Focus is the name of the game. Power Goals helps you get the focus you need to make things happen. I love Power Goals Academy and I want to share it with everyone. Thank you, Christina.”
“With Power Goals Academy you will open the floodgates of success when you begin achieving your goals, dreams and aspirations in both your professional and personal life. I know from experience this is true.”
“What I loved about Christina’s program most was how it was delivered, her communication skills are honed to perfection. She does a brilliant job of balancing empathy and tough love, all aimed at bringing you actionable insight to immediately impact and sustain the development of your life. Her Power Goals and mapping process are a solid motivator, that continually re-enforces one’s commitment to planning and executing a superior plan of action.”
“Christina helped me to set 3 powerful Power Goals, getting new perspectives, teaching me how to see possibilities in everything and I have now created great success in all areas of my life. It has truly been a fantastic journey of personal development.”
“We were having lots of financial problems and I used to blame the late payments on my customers and colleagues. By practicing the points made by you, I took control and made myself responsible. The situation changed dramatically! The payments have come down to 15 days – from 400 days on average. What a relief to all of us !!! Books like yours, give us the opportunity to look back and evaluate ourselves! It does the trick! Please keep writing & continue with your 1 Minute Inspiration.”
“Power Goals are powerful! Christina has really nailed it here as she combines success principles from the greatest thinkers of all time with personal experience. No matter how much you think you know about goal setting and achieving, you will learn lots from her program.”
“Christina touches upon some things that I believe are particularly critical to success, such as habits, behaviors and choices. She helps drive home the importance of gaining clarity over your goals and distinguishing between a wish and a goal. This is not just for adults. High School and college students will find these quick and easy lessons on goal-setting helpful in planning out their lives, too.”